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“Going into college, I was very broken. I came across like I had it all together, but I was far from that. Specifically, with feeling this void; I needed to be loved in another way. The unfortunate thing was I didn't know how to find that love yet. I ran into a lot of sin trying to fill that void. I had been the homecoming queen in high school. I was the girl that everybody liked. I had it all. So going into college, God knew where I was at and He knew I needed to be broken in some way. He used that time to really let me know who He was. After I came to know Christ, God really wanted to teach me a lesson in how to fully trust Him. I went through a time of doubt because I didn't feel like God was with me and I got really depressed. I opened up my bible to Hosea 2: 14-16 and it rocked my world. It says that God will allure us into the wilderness but he will speak tenderly to us. It then goes onto talk about how He will make our 'valley of despair a gateway of hope'. He proved faithful to me in that moment. The advice I would give the world about God would be that there is no time to waste! He loves you so much and He has so much more in store for you than you can even imagine. His covenant to you is steadfast. He will never fail you. My name is Morgan and I surrender.”

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