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  • humansofsurrender


"My son died after taking poison that ended his life. I was very angry and heartbroken over losing him. After he died, I thought I might become a monk. My family had followed the teaching of Buddhism for many generations. I was a company worker and a politician who was a representative of the village; my father was a village chief. I got back into the farming business. While I was digging canals for work, I met a Christian preacher. He told me if I am willing to listen to God, God can work through my life. The preacher told me there was a Christian seminar that God wanted me to attend. I had a week to decide if I wanted to attend. He told me the date of the Christian seminar would be August 19th. Then it hit me: that was the same day my son committed suicide. At that time, I was working in a rice field as a farmer. We split the water shifts between people, and I committed to work during that week for the Christian seminar. I also had to get more pig food. I told him I did not have the 450 baht for the seminar fee. I had good excuses to not attend. The preacher called every day that week and said God would arrange the money. Within a day of the seminar event, a guy told me he owed me money for a pig that I gave him. Suddenly, I got a phone call from the rice farmer saying he had to change our watering dates because of an urgent need. God kicked down my excuses. My wife told me I should attend the Christian event. After two nights and three days at the seminar, I saw Jesus in a whole new way and accepted him as my Lord and Savior. I have never been happier in my life before. Jesus takes me higher than Buddha could. I still have problems, but I rely on God. I receive no earthly inheritance because I am a Christian. The church building you see I made with my hands. I also minister to others with our local church. I could have been a monk or in prison because I was angry. God brought true peace to my life. My name is Kraiwud, and I surrender."

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